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How we find the right tenant

Oct 29, 2019

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We have a dedicated Leasing Manager who will liaise with you when your investment property becomes vacant. Your Leasing Manager appraises the rent value of your investment property in the current market, conducts viewings, organizes marketing of the property and after discussing suitable applications with you as the owner, secures you a suitable tenant. The process followed to maximize securing a reliable and suitable tenant are:

  • Searching the National Tenancy Database and TICA. Calling agents that have previously searched the applicant to ensure there is no information purposely left out by the applicant due to previous issues. Unsuitable tenants are not necessarily blacklisted
  • Contacting all rental references (where possible) to get a history how the applicant presented a property not only during the tenancy but at vacate/final bond
  • If the applicant has owned their own home we will use RP Data to search ownership/sales history to confirm and possibly speak to the selling agent to ascertain how the property was maintained
  • Check at least one character reference - not related to the applicant as well as employment references
  • If not employed we require Centerlink statements and savings proven or rent paid, to show rent is at a viable approximate 33% of income (this percentage  can vary depending on circumstances)
  • Ensuring no effort is spared in checking the affordability and suitability of an applicant while keeping you, the owner fully informed and updated on progress