
Eclipsing the rise in Perth house prices, median land values have actually beaten the year on year increase of established properties, which could leave you sitting on a potential land goldmine. As well as selling land held by the Summit Homes Group, our General Manager, Brock Gurr, can purchase your land or partner with you to develop individual lots or small acreage.

As part of the Group, he can advise on building a new home as an investment through one of our builder brands, including granny flats and tiny homes.

You have the option of realising profit now or setting up a recurring income as a property investor with the Summit Realty Property Management team.

If you would like an up to date valuation or discuss options for your land, email or call Brock on or 9592 8188. or complete the quick form below.

Land enquiry

If you are looking to sell or develop some land or interested in a block that we are advertising, complete the form below and we will be in touch.

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